Meet Thumbelina, The Smallest Horse In The World

Thumbelina(bornMay1,2001,diedin2018)wasadwarfminiaturehorseandthesmallesthorseonrecord.Shestood43cm(17inches;4.1hands)talland ...,Thumbelinaisadwarfminiaturehorseand,standingat17inchestall,istheworld'ssmallesthorse.ThumbelinawasbornonMay1st,2001o...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Thumbelina (horse)

Thumbelina (born May 1, 2001, died in 2018) was a dwarf miniature horse and the smallest horse on record. She stood 43 cm (17 inches; 4.1 hands) tall and ...


Thumbelina is a dwarf miniature horse and, standing at 17 inches tall, is the world's smallest horse. Thumbelina was born on May 1st, 2001 on Goose Creek Farms ...


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Meet Big Jake and Thumbelina

2018年5月24日 — Thumbelina is just 17.5 inches (44.5cms) tall.

Meet the smallest horse in the world that's shorter than a ...

2019年9月5日 — The late Thumbelina remains the shortest horse ever. Bombel isn't the only pint-sized ...

Meet Thumbelina, the World's Smallest Horse

2015年6月19日 — Thumbelina spends her days at Goose Creek Farms, a miniature-horse ranch hidden in a heavily wooded stretch of tony Ladue. The place has an ...


Thumbelina(bornMay1,2001,diedin2018)wasadwarfminiaturehorseandthesmallesthorseonrecord.Shestood43cm(17inches;4.1hands)talland ...,Thumbelinaisadwarfminiaturehorseand,standingat17inchestall,istheworld'ssmallesthorse.ThumbelinawasbornonMay1st,2001onGooseCreekFarms ...,購物說明.外文館商品版本:商品之書封,為出版社提供之樣本。實際出貨商品,以出版社所提供之現有版本為主。關於外文書裝訂、版本上的差異...

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